Thursday, February 14, 2008

last minute update

We thought perhaps we were at a point where we would be able to decrease the amount of posts asking for prayer but we find ourselves again in need of it.  Yesterday, Jack, Bethany and Owen all came down with a viral infection (cough, fever, congestion).  Today we're not much better and Owen actually got really sick this afternoon and had a very high fever. 


Please pray that this subsides before we fly on Saturday morning.  We do have an 18 hour layover in Singapore before we have to fly again so that gives us a bit more time.  Being that it's a virus, we can't do much to help it except take over the counter cold medicine. 


We've got antibiotics just in case things get worse, but we really need your prayers for some better health by Saturday morning. We're also waiting on a critical document that we have to use to get out of the country, pray that it arrives on time Friday so that we won't have to change any flights.


We're so thankful for such a body of people to be praying for us!




Snwwhite said...

praying for you dear family! Love you and miss you much!

Bek. said...

So sorry that you are sick!!! Definitely will be praying much for you!
I love you!

Dina Kowal Creative said...

what did we miss? been checking for updates. Are you coming home?


Cheryl said...

Hi guys! Assume you are in the USA now...been following your situation because we are friends of your parents (Teri and Joe). Just thought I would leave you a note to say we are praying as fellow missionaries...