Friday, August 03, 2007


Have you ever been in a place where you are forced to trust the Lord?  A time when you couldn't "fix" the problem if you tried?  We found ourselves there this week with a financial need.  It was one of the toughest times in our marriage to truly rest and trust that God would provide.  We literally were out of options on suggestions to give God on how He could provide.  You know, "Well,God you could do this or this, or hey maybe you could sell this to provide for us".  We were stumped. How was He going to come through this time? 


Well, He doesn't always tell us how but He does always come through.  Tonight we got an email from our church telling us that "someone" had given a very large sum of money toward our outgoing expenses – which will completely cover them.  We are speechless and humbled.  God, through one of His messengers has blessed us once again.  We are undeserving of His grace but He gives it freely! 


Whomever you are out there whom God used to meet our need, THANK YOU!  You are having a part in reaching Indonesia with the good news!  Your investment is eternal!


We are so thankful!


Joel and Bethany, Jack and Owen

1 comment:

Bek. said...

Yea for generous people! I'm so glad God provided that for you before you left for the wedding.