Sunday, February 08, 2009


Have you wondered as you check back day after day to this blog,"where did the Potters go?" Sorry for the silence! Let me introduce you to our new housemates, the Michigan winter BUGS!

Hmmm? You don't know them, well count yourselves blessed! Beginning last Sunday, yes a full week ago, Jack, Owen and Bethany welcomed these very friendly bugs into our home, and our bodies! A full 7 days later (all of which were spent at home, no work, no school, and very little activity) and Owen is mostly back to good health but Jack seems to be welcoming the bugs into his chest, ie. a nasty croupy cough. I, Bethany may be coming out of it, but the jury is still out.

Poor Joel has been holding down his full time work at the school as well as covering the early morning shift and naptime, allowing me to catch some extra sleep.

So we'd love to have fun, interesting things to share with you about the many interactions with the students here but we had to cancel every single one this week. Perhaps we'll have better success next week. Oh, how I'm looking forward to seeing something other than the four inside walls of our house.

Jack, representing Owen and I and the positions we've held all week

The view from the sick bed - thank goodness for kids videos!

1 comment:

Hillengrandma said...

Bless his little heart. He looks like he is miserable. So sorry you have all been sick. Perhaps this week will be better. Sure hope so.