Saturday, March 11, 2006

Bethany's Surgury

Hello friends and family,


Just wanted to get a quick update out about my surgery yesterday.  It went well - per the doctor.  I now have 4 beautifully ugly scars on my abdomen which I hope will heal up nicely.  I am very sore still (a bit more than I

expected) but they say by the end of the week I should be feeling much better.  We were able to get all moved over to my parents house on Wednesday so other than straightening up some things, I have been able to let go of it all and just rest.  The pain meds make me really sleepy so that's what I have done most of the day, but each time I get up and move around, I can see improvement in my ablity.  Jack and I are having a hard time with me not being able to hold him or pick him up.  He doesn't understand why, if Mommy is here, she isn't holding and snuggling me.  Pray for us in this.  I miss holding him as much as he misses it!


Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements.  I certainly appreciate them!





Note from Joel:


It is now Saturday afternoon and Bethany had a rough day. I guess her body is getting used to the fact that it is missing something, namely it’s gall bladder. Please continue to pray for her recovery and especially that all this pain and recovery might be worth it and relieve the problems that she was dealing with in the first place.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Glad to find you are bloggers as well. Hope that you are feeling much better by the time that you recieve this note. We are enroute to MO after a very profitable trip to FL. . . upon which we met a certain couple headed to Gyana at D&D. Much love, Beth E.