Sunday, June 25, 2006


Well, I guess you could say we are acclamating to the climate here. We live in the hot tropics but this is dry season and it’s a bit cooler now. Without the daily 100% humidity, the heat is much more bearable. Tonight I am sitting here at the computer, wearing long pants, a long sleeved shirt and socks and I’m still a bit chilly (it’s 72* right now). We are putting Jack to bed in the same so he doesn’t get too chilled and I’ve even been bringing a sweater to class each day because I get a little cold. One step into the sunshine will change all that and within seconds, I’m sweating again. (Yes women sweat, at least in Indonesia!) The weather channel forcasts that tomorrow in a nearby larger city it will be an actual 88* but will feel like 92*. I’d say that’s pretty hot, wouldn’t you? How in the world then can I possilby need a sweater? My only explanation is that my by must be adjusting. Now if only my mind could catch up!


1 comment:

Bek. said...

You know B, in Guyana when it got breezy at night, people got cold and wore jackets. It's a great place to come to, when you feel acclimated.
Love ya!