Saturday, August 09, 2008


Joel and I have attempted to keep dating in our married life these past five years.  At first, before kids, it wasn’t too hard to fit in a date every week or so, but then after kids, it became more complicated.  Well, then you add in the number of moves we’ve had this year alone and well, dates have become few and far between. 

A few weeks ago, some frineds here offered to watch the boys for us if we wanted to go out on a date!  We were so excited but at the time, money, or lack there of really hinered us having more than just coffee together.  Then this week, God provided several gifts that enabled us to meet our budget needs for the month, including a date!  So today we get to go on a real date and we are so excited. You’d think it was Christmas morning or something as we anticipate an adult day out as a couple, sans kids!  Thank you to JP and Sue and your generosity to care for our boys so we can get this much needed break.  We love you guys and are so thankful to be serving here with you again. 

I have to also mention my friend Denise who watched the boys a week or so ago so we could go grocery shopping.  Although the day was a bit different than we planned, having that time together was really important.  Thank you for your sensitivity!



Bek. said...

Yay for dates! I hope you guys had a fun day!

Joe and Terri said...

So glad you were able to do have your date. Can't wait to be there in September - plan on any dates you want. We will be there to watch those boys for ya.
Mom P.

Anonymous said...

Yay God, for supplying the finances and the man/woman power during a time that in your speciality--a time of need. God, you are right on. And as far as those boys go--we will go so far as to pay you money (well-five bucks) to go get some coffee if we can stay and watch the kidos.
Dad P.