Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bethany's Current State

In case anyone had heard of Bethany's recent illness, she had something similar to Giardia, a nasty gastro bug that is prevalent in tropical areas. She was pretty ill, and I pretty scared for her from this past Monday evening till really yesterday morning. She has really turned a corner and thanks to the Lord working through great co-workers, a great nurse, some good meds, and rest (and maybe a husband/male nurse) she's doing way better. Thanks to everyone who prayed for her. It was scary and at the same time a really faith-expanding time for us.

Please, Please, keep praying for us here. We're so succeptible to so many types of tropical illnesses and infections here. We truly have to trust the Lord here!

1 comment:

Joe and Terri said...

We have been praying continually since we first heard about your sickness. Hope this note finds you steadily improving. Love ya loads!!!
Mom P.