Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The First 4 Steps

I don't have much time this morning to write but wanted to fill you all in on what we found out yesterday at the Doctor's office.  Doctor Aw is a wonderful sweet gal, my age (mid 30's), I'm guessing, who was eager to figure this out with us!  Praise the Lord!  She has ordered some tests to be done starting with a stool sample test for a parasite (again - #5), then today a skin prick allergy test.  We go in at 9am here to have it done.  Then I am to feed Jack whatever he likes this week till next Wednesday so that we are reinserting the possible offending foods into his system again and this will allow her to see if injury is being done to his intestines by them.  This test is called an endoscopy (8:30 am Wednesday 23 January). She'll be looking for several things in this biopsy, one of which is to see if Jack has celiac disease.  She is not 100% sure it's that but she wants to be sure.  Celiac disease, as i understand it now is an "allergy" to gluten in wheat. She will also be checking to see if there are signs of other irritation to the gut by other food allergens and also to see if there is a parasite there.  Please pray that she can see what she needs to see in this procedure and that the answers are clear.  At the same time as the endoscopy, she'll take a blood sample to run a smattering of tests. 


We decided to have this all done at reletively one time as our time here in Singapore is limited.  We hope we have covered our bases well and that one of these tests will reveal something.  It is actually a bit complicated how all the tests work together in this and if you want more details, please write me. 


I do have access to email here.  Your prayers and words of encouragement to us are overwhelming.  Thank you!




1 comment:

Bek. said...

I'm so glad you are finding things out with a good Dr!
I miss you Sister of mine and am continuing to pray for you!