Friday, April 21, 2006

true confessions

good evening from joel,

I have to say that as I get more and more used to being here, I'm finding a little bit of hesitancy to use the little bit of Indonesian that I already know. It's not easy to 'stick your neck' out there and take the risk of being or sounding wrong, but it's an absolute must if I'm ever gonna jump in here. So this is me asking you to be praying for me to step out and use what I know and be willing to keep learning. God promises to give me the strength I need for even this small area.



Bek. said...

It was that way when I was learning Creolise Joel. I was afraid of sounding silly or not being understood. I'll be praying for you. I now you are sleeping now but I'll pray for you anyway :). Love you!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the same as Jack learning to talk.He sounds silly most of the time and we laugh at him, but he keeps trying. So "ah da, mam, sish), and whatever else Jack says and keep trying, and I will pray.
Love, Mom